
Laltiha Seneviratne and Peter Turschic were both experienced tax professionals when they first founded LP Tax & Accounting Services Inc. They realized that with Lalitha’s experience with in Corporate taxes and Peter’s background in US taxation along with their shared knowledge of Canadian personal taxes they had the expertise needed to help most clients. This made them eager to cultivate their own practice, one that would effectively intersect their expertise with their respective interests.

LP Tax and Accounting Services Inc. opened its doors in 2007. Since then, they've worked with thousands of clients to meet their personal, US and corporate income tax needs. In 2017, they brought on Associate Rajiv Seneviratne to work with Canadian and US tax clients and to help Peter’s clients after his retirement in 2018. He brings an exceptional level of enthusiasm, dedication, and nuanced perspective that makes their firm the perfect solution for all clients.


Get in touch

We at LP Tax & Accounting Services know that finding the right accountant to represent you is a choice not to be taken lightly. That’s why we encourage you to contact us and we can create a personalized plan to deal with all your tax planning needs.

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Founding partner

Personal and corporate Tax returns

Lalitha seneviratne

Lalitha is a founding partner of LP Tax & Accounting Services Inc. She works on Canadian and Corporate income tax returns. However, her specialty is helping clients who have tax problems with the CRA.

Lalitha’s 20+ years of experience allows her to quickly assess the best way to answer and comply with CRA audit requests. After solving tax problems she will then provide tax planning advice to ensure future tax compliance to minimize the chance of a future audit.



Personal and US tax returns

Rajiv seneviratne

Rajiv is the newest partner at LP Tax & Accounting Services Inc. He is currently pursing CPA certification and specializes in using technology and cloud based accounting practices to better serve our clients. He is an experienced bookkeeper and works on Canadian and US personal tax returns.



Founding partner - Retired in 2018

Peter Turschic

After decades of working with Canadian and US income tax returns Peter has retired from active practice. We hope he enjoys every minute of his retirement.

If you were a client of Peter’s and would like to send him a congratulatory note please send it to info.LPtax@gmail.com and we will forward for you.